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      Ultrasound examination

      узи головного мозга Актобе

      Ultrasound – Ultrasound the most common and highly informative method of diagnosis is carried out to assess the state of the structure of organs, their functioning, blood supply, the presence of pathological processes and the intensity of their development.

      The procedure has a wide range of indications and is actively used to diagnose diseases of various systems of the body, is Also carried out for preventive purposes and to monitor the results of treatment during pregnancy.

      It is recommended to undergo ultrasound examination at least once a year to be able to timely identify any tumors and prescribe early treatment, which will be much more effective later.

      5/5 (1 Review)
      Name Unit of measurement Cost
      Abdominal ultrasound 1 survey 4000 Записаться
      Kidney ultrasound 1 survey 2000 Записаться
      Thyroid ultrasound 1 survey 2000 Записаться
      Breast Ultrasound 1 1 survey 2000 Записаться
      Ultrasound of the bladder 1 survey 2000 Записаться
      Ultrasound of the prostate gland (TRUS) 1 survey 3000 Записаться
      Ultrasound of the lymph nodes 1 survey 2000 Записаться
      Soft tissue ultrasound 1 survey 2000 Записаться
      УЗИ локтевых суставов 1 пара суставов 4000 Записаться
      УЗИ плечевых суставов 1 пара суставов 4000 Записаться
      Ultrasound of the joints 1 pair of joints 3500 Записаться
      Ultrasound scrotum 1 survey 3000 Записаться
      Doppler ultrasonography 1 survey 5000 Записаться
      Doppler sonography of the upper extremities (2 arms) 1 survey 5000 Записаться
      Doppler sonography of lower limb arteries (2 legs) 1 survey 5000 Записаться
      Допплерография вен нижних конечностей (2 ноги) 1 исследование 5000 Записаться

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